Sunday, December 12, 2010

Christmas in Chicago

Christmas is one of my favorite holidays. I love spending time with family and friends, seeing all the beautiful Christmas lights, and the anticipation of the season. This weekend was an exceptionally good one that really put me in the Christmas spirit!

This is the Christmas tree in our apartment that my husband put up for me when I was sick over thanksgiving break. He's so great!

Last weekend was the Christkindle Market in Lincoln Square. This picture is one of the reasons why I love Lincoln Square. These men were playing Christmas carols while there were everyone was shopping around the square.

This weekend we went to the Christkindle Market downtown. We were able to catch the Christmas el!

Then we went to Daley Plaza. We got some warm drinks to warm up and they came in these fun German boots!

It was a fun weekend in Chicago, but I can't wait to go home to New England soon to see family and friends there!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Getting to Chicago

So I've named this blog life in Chicago, but I haven't really talked much about life in Chicago (or even updated it much for that matter). I thought I'd post a few pictures from the fall about how Dan and I first made it out here to Chicago after our honeymoon.

This is a picture of all of the stuff that Dan and I were some how able to fit in our car and bring to Chicago.

These road signs amuse me. We came across this sign in upstate New York on our trip from Boston to Chicago. When I first came to Chicago a couple years ago, I didn't understand why people gave directions using north, south, east and west. In New England, no one gives directions that way. I think this road sign explains it all.

It was great to get back to Chicago and reconnect with old friends that I hadn't seen all summer!

My mom told me one of the things we had to do was take a picture of our first meal together in our new apartment. Now this was maybe our 2nd or 3rd meal, but it was our first meal on our table and using our silver ware and everything!
After we'd been in Chicago for about two weeks, we took our first vacation together to Virginia Beach for Melissa and Tim's wedding! It was great to see them get married and be a part of their celebration. This picture of Dan, Jill and I was taken after we'd jumped into the ocean!

That's all for tonight, I'll update more later!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

First Post

Well, I have done it. I've entered the society of bloggers. I was inspired by my friend Nikki and her super cute blog. I'll be honest, the only reason I wanted a blog was so that I could pick out a cute background. It took me while to figure out, but I finally did!

So now here's the blog. I plan on mostly uploading pictures on here because I'm not a very good writer, but a picture's worth a thousand words!

This is a picture I took last a couple weekends ago when my husband and I went to and got a pumpkin and some mums!